清流雙月刊 2017年3月號 NO.8

消除種族歧視國際日 3/21International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 「今天我們看到不寬容、種族主義思想和出於仇恨的暴力 事件激增;在這動盪之時,我們必須站出來,維護所有人 的權利和尊嚴。」 摘錄自聯合國秘書長消除種族歧視國際日致辭 “Today we are witnessing a surge of intolerance, racist views and hatedriven violence. In these tumultuous times, we must stand up for rights and dignity for all, and for diversity and pluralism. We must speak out against anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and other forms of hate. An assault on one minority community is an attack on all." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon